I know there is a La Petite Academy that has a great Pre-K program. I am not sure of the cost but it may be worth it to try it out. It is located on 1960 and Treshwig (I know it is spelled wrong). Tell them T. sent you.
Looking for a good inexpensive preschool for my 4 yr old. Anywhere around FM1960. I'm between 45N and 249 so I don't mind driving to either direction.
Thank You!
I know there is a La Petite Academy that has a great Pre-K program. I am not sure of the cost but it may be worth it to try it out. It is located on 1960 and Treshwig (I know it is spelled wrong). Tell them T. sent you.
Last year my Daughter went to Kids Kaliedoscope in Spring it is right on Aldine Westfield across from HEB, at a Methodist Church (you don't have to be methodist to go there, we are not) She went 2 days a week and it was about $130 per month. THey also do 5 days and 3 days, and after and before care for a reasonable price. We really loved it and plan to send our son next year.
Best of Luck
Unfortunately all school districts at least in Texas have that income rule for preschool. Most churches do have a mothers day out program which days vary from church to church. I liked doing the 3 days a week. The one my kids went to isnt in your area but they learned Spanish and everything they needed to begin school. They were both ahead of their game when they did reach regular kindergarten because of it. Goodluck.
Hi T.,
From what I have always known, you do have to qualify through either income,ESL (english as a second launguage), or if the child has a speach delay or problem.
My sister lives in Kingwood and she could not enroll her daughters in Pre-k at the public schools. So she enrolled them in a mothers day out program at a church. We do not belong to the church, but she loved it. The girls had lots of fun. I believe when they started it was for 2 or 3 days a week. And the hours where probable for about 4hrs a day.
My sister really enjoyed her time off and the girls got to meet lots of little friends. It worked really well for them.
Hope that helps some.
Trinity Lutheran is fairly reasonable, and has a good reputation. The best I think is Windwood Presbyterian on Spring Cypress and 249. I sent my son there last summer and it was great. They do start later than some other school in the area- so thay may be an issue for you. I also know that Christ the Good Shepard is supposed to have a good program. All of these schools offer 2-3-5 day programs. They are all churches but you don't need to be a member or be of the same faith. However, I think that you get discounts on tuition if you are a member. Good Luck!