Let me get this straight: you have a habit you love and that is to blame for weight gain, you want to loose the weight so you're willing to exercise, but not willing to give up the habit that caused you to gain weight. That makes no sense. Here are some harsh words of widom that I have found to be true and that are eccoed by all kinds of people who have found a way to stay slim and fit
"you cannot out exercise a bad diet"
Sugar is actually worse for weight gain than than butter and cheese. Why? because sugar produces the hormone that tells your body to store fat. Sugar is addicting so I get that its a hard habit to break. I've been a dessert addict myself in the past so I know, trust me I know. But the most weight I ever gained while supposedly eating healthy and exercising was when I picked up a daily frozen yogurt habit. Oh but it was low fat! Nope, sugar is a major culprit for weight gain. I was so sad when I connected the dots to my weight gain, but the weight came right off once I gave it up. I don't want to be harsh, but you are not going to succeed if you keep it up with the sodas or any other daily mass dose of sugar.