I am Pro Pediatric Dentist for as long as possible. Every dentist studies the same thing in school. A specialist like a pediatric dentist takes more school and studies a particular area. Would you go to your OB/GYN for a heart disease problem or find a Cardiologist? It's the same issue. All doctors study the same thing thing then they specialise.
Pediatric dentist are trained in treating baby teeth plus the teeth coming in. They are more up to date with possible problems that effect children and they can treat the kids with various methods. If K or J have any dental proceedures they will be put to sleep during them. I prefer it that way. I had horrible dentists as a child, one even held me down while I screamed my teeth weren't numb. To this day I won't go to the dentist because of my childhood experiences.
I have never had any problems with our pediatric dentist in OKC. I go back during the exam, I sit with them while their teeth are being cleaned, while the dentists tells K knock-knock jokes and plays with the puppets to show her all about x-rays and how to brush her teeth. At 2yrs. and 3 months old J sat the whole time they cleaned his teeth because they kept him occupied with toys and if they saw him getting ansy they changed what they were doing. He asks all the time when we're going again.
If you don't like your dentist consider finding a better pediatric dentist for them.
Just an after thought.
My BFF decided to take her 5 yr. old daughter to a regular dentist here in town who is her dentist too. Every filling he put in that childs baby teeth fell out, her gums got infected and the teeth eventually had to be pulled. So here is an example of a 5 year old experience with a family dentist that is wonderful.