I would go camping. Camping is such a special family activity and in my opinion much more memorable than hanging out with friends at a neighborhood party.
A friend is having a big neighborhood party Saturday of Labor Day weekend. I want to go camping same weekend. We cannot go to the party and go on Sunday, too little time. We have to choose. We did already tell her we'd be there, but if we missed it is not the end of the world. It is a fun party but...I feel like there is absolutely no other time we can do a family camping trip. Time off is not easy for my hubby! What would you do???
ETA: Hubby loved their party last year, alot of fun. And he has said either would be ok with him - he also loves camping. We are not cancelling family plans to go to a party - we had planned to go to the party and all of a sudden the end of summer is here and we only took one camping trip. We are both bummed about this and not sure if we can go one weekend in September or not...
I would go camping. Camping is such a special family activity and in my opinion much more memorable than hanging out with friends at a neighborhood party.
I'd talk to my husband, first and foremost. Get his opinion. Maybe if time off is so scarce, he might just want to stay home and chill out. Camping isn't usually as relaxing as we think it is (just saying.... we camp every summer and it is a lot of hustle-bustling, packing, unpacking, repacking, etc).
Or he might be gung-ho for camping and really want to do this. In which case, you go camp and tell the neighbor "we're going to be there next year".
So, that's what I'd do-- talk to the man. I will say this: if my husband took time off work for a camping trip and I told him that we were obligated to stay for a neighborhood party-- he'd probably look at me funny.
Family first! Camping. Easy, next?
Why would you cancel family plans for a neighborhood party?
Camping, hands down.
I would go camping. You can invite your neighbours over for a visit anytime.
You WANT to go camping...GO CAMPING!!
Family first.
Our family would easily choose a camping trip over any party any day.
We need that in our lives! .. you are going to have a blast camping.
** we have not gone at all this year, because of $ and time off issues ... my kids are not happy.. They need the camping to "fully Un plug" and they are 3 & 6
This would be an easy decision for my family...but you need to decide what the priority is for yours.
What would you do the rest of the the 3 day weekend if you stayed home? What kind of fun family activities would you do if you didn't go camping and stayed home for the neighborhood party?
Camping, hands down.
I'm a camping junkie so there would be no question for me. But a good neighborhood party is always a good time too!
I think you would get more bang for your buck if you went camping... The party would only last a few hours whereas camping is a couple of days.
Besides...the s'mores would seal the deal for me! Any opportunity for camping food and drinks! I love it!!
Now I want to go camping... just one more weekend this summer!
Seems pretty obvious that you want to go camping.
Sounds like you would regret not camping more. People need time off to recharge and reconnect.
What do the kids want? Are there lots of their friends too? Would the rest of the weekend if you don't go be relaxing or boring? If there a day home you could do if you don't camp so there's still a family outdoor day? Also, what about weather? If it rains camping doesn't seem good so maybe wait till the forecast? I do think camping is a unique experience for kids but do yours really want to go? I know mine would.
You can camp any weekend or holiday where the kids are out of school and hubby is home. A party with a friend is fun for the whole family and it promotes closeness in the neighborhood. I'd go to the party hands down.
I'd go camping fall break or thanksgiving or some other holiday long weekend.
camping, no question. you just tell your neighbor and if she's anything like a friend, she'll tell that they'll miss you but to have a wonderful time.
Since it's a big party, you could probably bow out without the neighbor caring. If it was a small gathering of a few families, your absence would be more noticeable.
I would go camping if that is your preference. I'm sure this friend knows that people do other things on this weekend. Just tell her this is the best time for you to get away.
Since you already committed to the party, that is what you should do.
You can camp any time, any weekend, all year long if you have the proper gear.