Hi R.,
First and foremost, you have to do what is best for you and your family.
My kids are older, (17 and 13) and up until now have been fully vaccinated. BUT, if I had small children now I certainly would re-think that. I certainly do not want to start a war of words and I mean no disrespect to any previous posters, but there is a lot if information out there and you have every right to question the risks and dangers. *I am a registered nurse with over 25 years of experience. There is absolutely no reason a newborn needs the Hepatitis B shot. Hepatitis B is spread primarily through IV drug use and prostitution. Do you know why they push it for newborns? Because the government knew they would not get that population to come in for the shots, so we now vaccinate the "herd" to provide immunity. But we don't know really how long the immunity will last. *Again, both kids have had it, but I would refuse it now. I have had the Hep B vaccine, myself, but as a nurse, I was exposed to blood and body fluids on a daily basis in the hospital.
I would also refuse the chickenpox vaccine. My 13 year old was one of the first in the area to get it at the time. She came down with chickenpox 2 years later. Yes, she had a milder case, but so did my son at the time he had them and that was before the vaccine. Again, we don't know how long the immunity will last and we are potentially setting up a whole generation to get chickenpox later in life when the risk of complications is much higher.
Yes, they have taken thimerosal out of the vaccines. But many physicans are still using old stock before they buy more. And actually the government, CDC, just recently acknowledged that there is indeed a link between vaccines and autism.
I won't even go into the cervical cancer vaccine, since that is a very hot topic. Except to say that is when I started my reading and research on vaccines in general. I have a ton of articles, books and resources if you want to email me privately. The only thing I will say on the HPV vaccine is that I have been in contact with one of the original researchers of that vaccine who says that it was not studied on these young girls it's being targeted to and she has been very vocal about the marketing of it. Google Dr. Diane Harper for more info.
Bottom line, and even though I have strong opinions, I tell all my friends, it is up to you to do what is best for you and your family. I will resect you decisions.