If I were you, I'd take them all out of school now. What good is there for them to be IN school when there are health issues and bullying?
You may need to "unschool" for a while. Don't sweat it! Take a few days off and do something fun. Go to a museum. Go to an indoor trampoline place. Let them sit around at home in their PJs. Let them build couch cushion forts. Let them blow of steam and be KIDS.
We homeschool, and I was all freaked out in the beginning. Now we are MUCH more relaxed. It'll be fine for you too.
I'd start them all at the same time, so wait for your others to be approved and get all your school supplies. In the meantime you can do light schoolwork. Have them get some books out of the library or watch some educational TV. Have them play some educational games. We love Always Ice Cream for girls, and there's Clever Dragons for boys. PM me if you want a free one month membership. My daughter LOVES that site, and taught herself all 50 states and capitals and she learned how to type.
It's okay, you don't have to be on a set curriculum or schedule right now. The important thing is you let your kids de-stress from school--and you too! You can do this!
They might have to do a few more days into the summer. Who cares? It'll be fine. Just enjoy your time with them now--it won't come again.