Ok C.,
I will try not to preach, but you really shouldn't have allowed her to be in pull-ups at this age.
Take pull-ups away completely. You said from time to time you try no pull-ups. You need to get her body accustomed to the fact that there are NO PULL-UPS. In the middle of the night she and her body don't know whether she's wearing one or not. It's confusing. If you're ready, get the pull-ups out of the home. She's soaking up the sheets anyway, so at least do the laundry 'for a good cause.'
pull-ups out.
nothing to drink at least 2 hrs before bedtime. If she insists on being thirsty give her small amount of warm milk (not great taste, and she won't want to drink a lot of it).
Then take her to the bathroom just before bedtime. Then off to bed.
When you go to bed, let's assume around 10 or 11 pm, go wake her up and take her to bathroom (she may not even be completely awake but she will go potty). bring her to bathroom. that way her bladder has been emptied twice since she had her last drink.
Hopefully that will help her hold it until the next day. She will, of course, have accidents, because she's used to having the pull-ups. It's ok. You won't be able to be right there to change her when she gets wet, so she will feel the discomfort of being wet for a few minutes until she calls for you. After a few times, she will NOT want to go in her panties. Then she will hopefully be potty trained.
Also, point out the nearest bathroom. Leave the light on in that bathroom. if she needs to go in the middle of the night tell her that the light will already be on. Tell her it's ok to call for you if she's afraid to go by herself. Tell her it's time and that you will help her get potty trained. no scolding just keep pointing out that she's almost 6 and that all her friends are already potty trained and that soon she will be too.
now, back to you. Do not back off. Throw away the pull-ups. out of the house, away from your reach. most parents that deal with older children who are not potty trained tend to go back to pull-ups because it's easier.
Trust me. totally doable, but it's time.
good luck