As long as she's producing enough diapers and gaining weight, you have nothing to worry about.
When I first started with the lactation consultant, I'd bring what I pumped. It looked pitiful to me. The consultant would always say: wow, that's a lot. DON'T FORGET that your daughter's stomach is about the size of HER fist. She doesn't need as much as you think she does. AND babies are great at getting milk -- much more than you can pump. Don't judge your production by what you can put into a bottle.
I do believe that adding the bottle in the evenings is undermining your production, though. You should pump and freeze, just in case you have a future need or want a night out, but don't give her a bottle when you're right there.
Drink lots of water, nurse when she wants to and everything will be wonderful. So much good luck to you :)