Hi Kelli,
I had the same problem.. but the bird was keeping me awake:) My husband and I were going crazy trying to deal with that stupid bird! But, we lived in a condo at the time and there was no way that we could move our bedroom or cut down the tree... so we bought a white noise machine! You can get them at Radio Shack or specialty stores like Brookstone. The first one we purchased was around $30 dollars and had several settings- rain, train, ocean, a 'static' sort of noise and (can you believe this one!?!) a BIRD setting. Good grief I have no idea who in their right mind would want to hear bird chirping while trying to sleep.. but, its there. Anyway, we got a new one this year from a specialty store that has just two settings but its a 'cleaner' noise, if that makes sense. With the noise of the machine - which is not loud - but does have a volume control- it completely blocked the noise of the bird and any other noises in the house. We've actually used one now for about 6 years- we can't give it up! It's worked out nicely because we have such different schedules- so he goes to bed early and I'm up.. usually doing dishes and cleaning up around the house.. and its blocked all of that noise. So, its takes a few nights to get used to but we LOVE it and its totally worth it.
Good luck! I'd love to hear what ends up working out for you.
Take care,