Well, I am having a hard time understanding what you're saying, it is not written clearly. But it seems like you're having guilt for not doing enough for your baby and having to go to work. I had a hard time going to work when my daughter was a baby. I'm not sure it gets easier, but it's better than not having a house/electricity/etc.
Taking a small break from the baby also does not make you a bad mother. Everyone needs some time to themselves. I feel bad that sometimes I take my daughter to daycare on Fridays when I dont have to work, just so I can get cleaning done and take a bath by myself.
Parents today spend more time with their children than parents ever have in the past, yet we have the most guilt about the time we dont spend with them. I think it's silly, but with the internet and everything, it always seems like someone is a better mother/housekeeper/whatever than you. You just have to do your best and know that your child is loved and well kept, and that's much more important that being betty crocker and having the cleanest house in the world.