Some of this is fact and some my opinion. It is shared only to help and to hopefully guide anyone who needs it.
Using formula, although needed if a baby is losing weight and not wetting enough diapers, is a sure way to LOOSE milk supply. Do NOT supplement if baby is gaining weight and wetting enough diapers in a day (check with LLL or a lactation consultant on this).
In some instances women cannot produce enough milk. This is NOT common. What is more common an issue is that the mother needs more rest (not just sleep but rest) & More water as well as time to sit and relax.
The more you nurse the more milk you make. Certain teas can help and are a great option, mothers milk tea did help increase for me with my second child. Nurse, Nurse, Nurse. Do NOT try to schedule feed!! God made a perfect system of supply and demand... trust your body & trust your baby on this one.
Pumps do NOT show what a baby will get and should only be used after a feeding to stimulate or if your breast is engorged. Please do not waste your milk by pumping unless you are past the 4 or 5 week mark and need to start storing.
Keep in mind that some pediatricians are not as knowledgeable about breastfeeding as they seem to be. They do not the training and knowledge that a lactation consultant does. Their job is too look for problems, measure growth, vaccinate (don't even go there!!) and treat illnesses. I'm not saying do not work with your Pedi, just that there are better sources for help with breastfeeding.
Most of all Love that precious gift and do what you know is best for both of you!