J.,I was in exactly the same place as you six years ago. I had two sons and really wanted a daughter, but we were just starting to travel and have fun again after all the baby years. We decided to go for it. Well, my third is so funny and is definately the sweetest of the three boys (I did not get my daughter) but I can say that had I known the amount of work it was I would NOT have done it. My house is NEVER quiet. There is always some argument going on, if not my youngest yelling to be heard over the older two, they are yelling at him to get out of their rooms or to stop touching their stuff. My two older ones got along great until the third changed the dynamic of the family. My husband and I are out numbered and neither of us has the temperment for that much chaos and mess. Three is DOUBLE the work of two.
Don't believe the others whent hey say it's just throwing another into the mix. We are talking quality of life here. We HAVE to drive an SUV, and I am an enviromentalist! Finding a sitter? Good luck finding anyone to watch three kids for under $10 per hour! Vacations? Did you know that hotels do not or cannot give you a room for five people? You have to book (and Pay for) two rooms and they cannot guarantee adjoining rooms! The worst part of it is this. We can't, in this day and age, just send our kids outside to play and tell them to come home when the street lights come on. I have to help my sixth grader with algebra, my fourth grader with his state report, and keep and eye on my five-year-old who wants to play outside, all the while making dinner to be ready by 6:30! I am SO stressed every single day of my life that there is hardly anything left for my husband when he gets home. I WANT to be the mom who helps her kids with homework. I don't want a nanny raising my kids and I want my boys to see thier mom happy and fulfilled. Well, I put on a brave face. And my boys are good too and smart! They are not hyper, ADD or troublemakers. They are just normal boys, but what if they weren't? I would really lose my mind. You said you are very sprirtual, peaceful and calm. I do not know ONE mother with more than two kids who can describe herself that way. There are only moments of peace in between the chaos. Besides, you already have one girl and one boy. Why upset the balance. There is one child for each of you. They get alone time with a parent almost whenever they want. We take turns taking one out by himself so he gets that alone time, but it is less than once a week for each of them.
A couple of examples to make my point...I used to volunteer in my oldest's class when he was in K and 1st until my third was born. Then, I could never volunteer in my middle son's class because I didn't have regular care for my baby. He just finished fourth and STILL asks why I never work in his class. My little on starts K in Sept so I can do it now, but he remembers that I didn't do it when he was littler and wanted me more. Definately "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!" syndrome. And he is right! Everything is about the oldest who does everything first, or the youngest who has to stay behind. You would have a different situation because you will have two of one sex and one always being the odd man out.
Another example...both my older boys wanted to play soccer when my baby was 1 1/2. They had practice at the same time at two different schools 12 minutes apart. I had to drop one off five minutes early and wait for someone else to come watch him, and then speed to the other school to drop the other one five minutes late. I couldn't let the baby out of the car to play for the 20 minutes in between because he would scream and fight with me to get back in his car seat. Thank God for DVD players in the SUV! Then I would have to race back to school A to pickuup the first and race back to school B to get the second, then drive home. My heart is racing just reliving this nightmare!Every Tues and Thurs my baby lived in the car for 2 1/2 hours and I gained 8 pounds from the stress. My husband tried to help, but he couldn't pick them up everyday cuz he owns his own business and most people want to see him after they get home from work. I kept thinking, "Ok, next year they can be on the same team." But your two will never be on the same team for anything! Then, my boys told me they didn't want to play soccer anymore. Whew! But then came football...
And to the mom who wrote about other moms having regret? I live with the regret and sadness of not having a daughter everyday. But I would not make the mistake of taking even more time away from my children and husband to fulfill that desire of mine. That would ultimately be selfish of me. A whole family should benefit by the birth of another child. My youngest is a doll, but I wouldn't say he changed our lives for the better.
Anyway, J., I just wanted to give you the advice I wish someone had given me. We just don't have enough hours in the day to give our kids the attention they really crave as it is. Adding one more to the mix cuts that time down considerably as it does the peace that you seem to cherish in your home. You have the perfect family already. Don't mess with that by taking this chance. Good luck!