I would call. I was 4 days late with my second baby and feeling this really small trickle every once in a while. Nothing cosistent and very little fluid. I tried to check by smell if it was urine or amniotic fluid but couldn't tell. Finally after a day and a half of this I called my doctor. he said it sounded like nothing since it was such a small amount but to come in and he would check. He had me cough a few times and said there was no pooling of fluid so it was probably nothing but that he would check the fluid to be sure. Five minutes later he was back and told me it was amniotic fluid and put me on petosin right away. He said it was a pin prick leak which is uncommon and since it had been over a day that we had to move to avoid an infection for me or problems for the baby. I would call right away. Who cares how often you call. Better safe than sorry. Good lick.