I work by myself, primarily, but man this is a funny thread!
I cannot STAND the person that copys any and all supervisors on an email about a complaint they have regarding me. When 9 times out of 10 it's their fault, they are just dying to show someone that I'm not perfect, LOL which I never claim to be, they just think I am for some reason??? Please take that insecurity out somewhere else. I am not in the slightest bit interested in obtaining your job. It's just irritating and the supervisors make fun of you too :)
I am the cough/clear throat person. I have allergies, sorry. I TRY not to do it when people are actually in the office with me, bc I know from hearing someone else do it, its MAJORLY annoying. Especially whenever they aren't even aware they are doing it. UGH
LOL Depending upon my mood, I am a grammar Nazi, if I feel like being a troll at the moment. Although I have learned to slack off since I intentionally make errors as well. Sometimes it's just easier and it's acceptable now :)
I hate it whenever 'Lack of planning on your part constitutes an emergency for me'. Really?!? Do your job, quit screwing off when you have a deadline (save that for later) and organize your own work.
Oh and I'm that person that talks about her only child... whenever I have time to actually open my mouth about something not work related. And, I'm the 'Pretty girl' that everyone hates.