N.- one question for you. Have you ever known one able human being who has never learned to walk? Rest assure- don't compare your child to anyone elses. I have two daughters, the oldest is 7 and the youngest will be two next week. My first- I felt the same way you did- she did not walk until 14 months. Flourished at 14 months- finally started growing hair, got her and first tooth appeared. All supposedly late stages. Healthy and too smart for her own good today. Walking has nothing to do with intelligence.
My second child is very different in many ways. I thought that since she was learning faster than the first- surely she would begin to learn to walk before 14 months. First birthday came- nothing- no true desire- did bouncer, the little walker- didn't pick her up or hold all day, helped her to walk by holding hands etc. She would pull up and all that, so I knew nothing was wrong with her legs. Then month 13- nothing. Okay surely she would be like the first and the magic number is 14. That passed. This child would crawl into the walker and used this as the method of getting around and would crawl out of it. Then 15 months passed. N., my daughter did not walk until 18 months! She is smart as a whip. She pronounces words very clearly for her age- communicates extremely well. Can count to 10 by herself and recite most of the letters in the alphabet. Again has nothing to do with intelligence and I don't believe its something you can force unto a child.
So on the lighter side of things- enjoy your baby!! It will be the most exciting moments for you when you see her first steps.