We have one son who we are adopting who was not circumcised and a baby who we had circumcised. Physical appearance didn't have much of an impact on our decision. I researched it for a long time before having the surgery done and I was there when it was done.
First of all, those people who say it will have more enjoyment for your son if it stays intact can't really say that for sure since they haven't had it both ways. When I was researching it, the MEN's stories were what tipped the scales for me. Here is what they said in summary. All had been circumcised as adults for medical reasons. All had had sex previously and felt that it was better after being circed. All had wished they had been circed as a baby because recovery time is MUCH quicker and as a baby there is far fewer nerve endings down there so it hurts much less.
I also took into account the MANY stories of people who worked at nursing homes/care centers and had to work with older men or those who were incapable of taking care of themselves properly for whatever reason and had to be circed at 80 years old because they were unable to clean themselves properly and got UTI's. And the stories of small boys who had to have it done because of UTI's and having it hurt much worse and being a much larger medical procedure/cost for a 5 year old boy vs a newborn.
Also, the rate of penile cancer is lower among circumcised men (even if it is not significantly lower...it is still lower).
Here is what the American Association of Pediatrics says about it: http://www.aap.org/publiced/br_circumcision.htm
They do not recommend circumcision for everyone, however they do state that there are medical benefits for having it done.
In the end it came down to did I want to risk having my adult son go through MUCH more pain or did I want to take care of it while there was still very little pain involved.
We had my son's done...it healed in 3 days...he didn't feel any pain because it was anesthetized and he didn't act like he was in pain afterwards. He cried the most because they had to strap him down to do the surgery (I did hate seeing that). He immediately stopped crying as soon as they unstrapped him. And he nursed just fine afterwards. After it was done, I kept a bunch of Vaseline on it while it was healing (A BUNCH...went through 4 squeeze tubes in 3 days) and I just make sure I can see the rim of it clearly when I change his diaper.
Also, having experience with an uncircumcised boy, I can say he has already had it irritated several times because it wasn't cleaned properly--especially when he was potty training. My circumcised son has not had any problems.
I'm not saying it was painless or that it was easy for me to watch. But I still feel I made the right choice... sometimes doing what is best for your child isn't easy.