Opinions About Mirena

Updated on March 16, 2008
C.F. asks from Willow Grove, PA
25 answers

Hello everyone. My husband and I have three wonderful childen. We just had our third child 12 weeks ago. We both are almost positive that we do not want any more children. However, I am only 27 and he is only 26; therefore, we feel it is not appropriate to use any permanent types of birth conrol. We are now looking into Mirena. My husband thinks that Mirena might not be a good idea because this thing is new and he feels that later on down the road they could find something life-threatening about it. I tried to look things up on the internet and I find the same warnings that you get from the sheet the OBGYN gives you. Can anyone give me any insight on experiences or complications that they have heard or had with Mirena?

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answers from Philadelphia on

My advice to you is to have as many children as God will give you! Children are a blessing and I believe that we are being selfish when we decide Whether or not we will have anymore. THink about why you don't want anymore? What are the reasons? Most of the time it is about us...We can't afford it or I want time for myself or we want to travel...God only gives us what we can handle. Just think about it this way...Which of your children would you be able to give away?? We have 6 children and have never been happier. We have so much fun everywhere we go and at home spending time together. I used to be a teacher also but decided to homeschool my children instead since we feel it is our responsibility to raise our own children! Be wise in your decision. I have spoken to many people that have permanently fixed themselves for not having children and believe it or not...I haven't met one that didn't say they were sorry and wished they could have one more. I guess I don't want to ever be that person that says I wish. Birth control is very dangerous and messes up your body. Please check out a website called "QUIVERFULL.COM" You will find out about different birth controls and how they negatively effect your body.
Good luck in you future decisions.



answers from Altoona on

Well it depends on you and you’re body as well. I had the mirena done after I had done the Depo and the patch. I ended up getting my tubes tide. My experience was that I had pain with sex and pain on the both sides of my pelvic region. They say it was all the scare tissue and lesions I had developed from my two C-sections. I still get pain in the pelvic region and some times with sex, so it really does depend on how you’re body recovered. Other wise I had no problems. I did not notice it and my period's became irregular until they stopped.

Good luck.

Just a friendly warning should you do the patch. I had sensitivity to it. I would break out around the areas that I would put it with red welts that would itch and felt like severely dry skin.

The best thing I had was Depo. Problem is you can only be on this for a few years’ do to the fact that as women, we have to watch our bone density and this shot requires you to take extra calcium. About 100 or more a day.

Wish I could have been more help.



answers from Scranton on

I actually have the Paraguard it is the copper IUD no hormones and it is good for 10 years, and the copper isn't new my aunt who is now in her 60's has used them since my cousins were born who are like 30 and 20 something...They generally are safe as long as your doc who inserts it is really familiar with them, feel free to private message me anytime about it I have had mine for almost 3 years I wanted no hormones another year or so I will have it removed to try for another baby =)



answers from Philadelphia on

I have a traditional IUD, and have had it for over 8 years now. I love it. I can't handle hormones at all, so I couldn't do Mirena. But I do love having the IUD--it's the best thing I ever did. I never have to think about it, my husband CAN'T feel it, insurance paid for it, it's good for 10 years, and it's reversible.

Just do your research and be sure that you're making the right decision for your body. Best of luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

One thought, you didn't mention if you were breastfeeding; any hormonal means of birth control has the potential to adversely impact your supply. That being said, I have friends who love it and rave about it all the time, and I have friends who know people that horrible experiences with it, including one that migrated out of the uterus and into the abdomen - and yes, this was a recent one rather than one of the old IUDs that everyone fears.



answers from Lancaster on

I personally chose NOT to go with Mirena because it releases hormones and I don't do well with hormones! I get acne, mood swings, facial hair...not good! I have a plain old copper non-hormonal iud that I've had for a year and a half and so far, so good. I had heavy bleeding for the first 3 periods after I got it but other than that, wouldn't even know I have it. It's definately worth looking into!



answers from Philadelphia on

I'm not sure, but it sounds like Mirena acts partially as a hormonal method of birth control and partially as an IUD. Hormones do have their risks, but an IUD never made me feel comfortable, either. Technically, an IUD inserted into the uterus is an irritant -- a mild irritant, but enough of one to cause the uterus to go into "shunning" mode. As a result, the fertilized zygote can't implant into the uterine wall. It unsettled me to realize that I could be creating a perfect new life every month and letting it lapse for lack of a fertile environment. My husband and I feel good about our contraceptive choice about 90% of the time. Condoms are a little tedious to deal with, but there are no hormones involved, and best of all, in my mind, they are actual contraceptives.
All the best to you and your husband at this time in your lives, and the best to your beautiful young family!



answers from Philadelphia on

If you are breastfeeding I would advise against Mirena. While the company states it's ok to use while breastfeeding, it is not unusual for women to have milk supply issues while using hormonal forms of birth control. The hormone level in breastmilk is not the issue. Rather, the hormones have the potential to wreak havoc with your milk supply. Can you just use a diaphragm or condom until you know what you want to do? Besides, how much sex are you really having with 3 children? (that's a joke).



answers from Philadelphia on

hi candace.
i took the depo shot and loved it..you go every 3 months for the shot



answers from Harrisburg on

Mirena is not a bad thing at all!!! I have Mirena because I wanted to wait a few years until I had my next one and I wanted to be sure that I didn't have any surprises. It has worked great and there hasn't been any side effects!! The only thing that I've had is that I don't have my periods..but would miss having them? LOL

I really don't have anything bad to say about Mirena. I love it. I would reccomend it to anyone who wants to be sure.It sure beats taking a pill everyday that may not work...where as Mirena has yet to fail!! I say go for it!!



answers from Pittsburgh on

I don't have one, yet. I am planning on getting one. My best friend is an OBGYN, in Alexandria VA. She highly recommends it. She has one herself, and does use them with a lot of her patients. The only problem is that many insurance companies don't cover them, and it is expensive. I am lucky, I would only have to pay for the mirana, my friend will insert it for me. That's why I'm waiting, I just have to have a few free couple of days to get there. After talking to her, I am confident about it. Good Luck with what you decide.



answers from Allentown on

I didn't have Mirena, but the traditional IUD that you can keep for up to 10 years. I HATED IT! In the beginning it was great, maybe for the first year, but after that, things turned for the worst! My periods began to get longer... up to 2 weeks long with heavy bleeding and huge clots. It was very painful for me have intercourse with my husband because I could feel the IUD. I never wanted to be intimate with my husband because of it. Also, he could feel the IUD as well. I know that each person is different, so you just have to go on the most accurate information you can find! I read some of the responses, and some people it works well for, and others not.



answers from Johnstown on

get one! Its great! I dont even know it is there. and no period. Just make sure your incherence will pay for it, some dont. K.



answers from Philadelphia on

Well I had Mirena for 4 years I had it removed in June for two reasons, One my husband could feel the removal strings, and it hurt him. After sex I would curl up in a ball and wait to die, It was the worst cramps of my life. For 3 years this only happened once and a while, but the last year was every time we had sex. Now that its out, my period is back and the first 3 months were super heavy, clotting the size of half dollars. And we have been trying for baby #3 since July, its now 9 months latter and no luck. I went back to my Dr, he said I have scar tissue from the IUC that could be causing complications with an embryo attaching.
So With that information its still your choice. I was happy with it for the 3 yrs but the 4th was hell. It could have been placement or shifting, but regardless it shouldn't have hurt like that.
Good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

Mirena may be newer to the market but that form of birth control has been around for a really long time. It's an IUD (intra uterine device) and my mom had this. I'm not sure exactly when she got it but I can tell you she had it removed when she was 39 (she is now 58) and was going through premature menopause and would no longer be needing it. The point is this form of birth control is not new but it was made of copper and not plastic like Mirena. As for the cost, think of how much you would be paying in BC pills for the rest of your life. As far as your hubby being able to feel it, my mom told me that your hubby can feel it while having sex. I too am thinking about Mirena.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I have had a Mirena now for 2 years and I love it. When you factor in the cost efficiency (versus monthly pills or shots) you can't beat it. I paid a $20 co-pay, it was covered by my insurance and it will last up to 5 years. So far, the only thing I have experienced with it is that for the first few months I had some cramping. It was minor, not even as bad as my period was. My periods were lighter right away and after about 6 months, I have no periods and no cramping! I love it! There are risks with anything you choose, however. It has been out for several years, so hopefully that menas not many people are having problems. I would recommend it to anyone looking for longer term birth control.



answers from Philadelphia on

I don't know how you feel but IUD's were pulled off the market years ago as they were dangerous. Is Mirena a IUD. Sounds like it is to me-I am in my mid-forties and remember when IUD's were still considered standard for reversible birth control. I am not trying to scare you but would like you talk to your doctor again.



answers from Lancaster on

Please do research online first. I had mirena put in the year of 2005 and I had it removed in 2007. I experienced severe hair loss. Severe night sweats, my shirt would be soaked front and back, as if i dipped it in water. I also had acne on my chest and back and hot flashes. (im 28 years old) I was very moody, which put a huge strain on my marriage. I thought there was something wrong with me. My husband and I researched online and alot of other woman experienced these synthoms too. After I had it removed, my hair grew back within a few months, and all the other synthoms went away immediately. I loved the light periods, but that wasnt worth all the other side effects. Please research it first before you spend the money.
this is the web site that made me realize it was mirena causing my synthoms: http://www.pandamedicine.com/forum/p54.html
I know everyone is different, but if I would have seen this web site before I got mirena, I would never have wasted the money on it. Doctors wont tell you of these synthoms either. Because its fairly new, not enough research has been done. Please look into it.



answers from Allentown on

I just got the pamphlet from my OB and misplaced it by accident. From what I remembered it seemed like a good decision. At least for me. The procedure is relatively un invasive. However, I too would like to hear from someone who actually has one.



answers from Syracuse on

Hey hun... I've had my Mirena for almost 2 years. I've not had any complications from it. My hubby and I both feel confident with it.
Each person is different. And people experience different things. So what it really boils down to is, what do you feel comfortable with? What does you DR say?
I wish you all the best. Good Luck Hun!!!



answers from Philadelphia on

I am 38 with 3 kids and had the Mirena put in June of 2006 and i have not had any problems. For 6 months i had a very light period then that stopped and i do not have a period at all. I like it because i dont have to worry about taking a pill and i have to many friends who had their tubes and have more period problems. This works for us. Remember you can always have it removed.


answers from Raleigh on

I have the Mirena and I LOVE IT! It is not like any other IUD (if you talk to your OB/GYN about this they can explain the differences), and I have had no horrible side effects. I have been using the Mirena for over a year and while I do still get my period, it is extremely light. A little cramping here and there (just like if you were on the pill), but nothing horrible. I highly recommend you getting it. The chance of pregnancy is slim-to-none and it can be removed if you decide to have more kids. It is a little costly upfront, but between insurance and the Mirena company, it becomes extremely affordable and if you keep it in for the 5 years, it is actually cheaper than being on the pill (and a whole lot easier too!). Good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

I have had Mirena for 17 months. I love it!

Only spotting
Don't need to actively use it
Cost effective (if not covered, payment options are available)

Constipation makes me crampy
Need a physical
Need a pregnancy test (lol, its not that bad)
Sometimes hubby can feel the 'threads' but I think it's in his head because he hasn't noticed them since I had it put in! *boys*

So far, Mirena has similar side effects to the pill because they both have hormones. If you are worried about Mirena, you could always get Para Guard. It is a copper IUD. Look it up if you want. I actually had just heard about it online here a week or so ago.

Good luck and take care!



answers from York on

I had the Mirena years ago. I had no problems with it. However. I am older and work my way into the permentant fix for me due to health reasons.
K. B



answers from Reading on

I had a copper IUD about 10 years ago and loved it! My insurance covered it, my periods were light and I never knew it was there, even during sex. I currently have the Mirena and I don't like it as much as I liked the copper IUD, however, so far so good. The only cons I've experienced so far is I haven't had a period since October and have a little cramping from time to time. My husband can feel it during sex and sometimes if I move a certain way it feels as though its jabbing me. If I had a choice, I would go with the copper IUD. As a lot of others have stated, it is reversible (which ever one you choose) so if it ends up not being the right form of BC for you, you can have it removed. Good luck!

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