a 6 month old baby can not be over weight. He is a baby! When he starts to walk he will loose some of his rolls anyway. If he is gettind regular feedings of breast milk or formula and a little solid food he should be fine.
when i had my son he was 8lbs and 16oz ,my son is now 6 months n weight 19.5lbs . Is he over weight?
a 6 month old baby can not be over weight. He is a baby! When he starts to walk he will loose some of his rolls anyway. If he is gettind regular feedings of breast milk or formula and a little solid food he should be fine.
My daughter was always chubby as a baby. She had the biggest little cheeks. Lol. He will definitely lose the weight especially when he starts moving around. My daughter always loved food like that and now her whole appetite has changed completely. She is three now and she is slim and tall. Give him time and enjoy how cute he is. Before too long he will grow out of it and you will look and realize that he is growing up so quickly without you realizing it.
depends on his height. here is a growth chart for infants:
Usually babies gain on average 2 pounds a month after birth. According to the information you provided he is right on target. No he isn't over weight but check with your doctor if this is really concerning you. Also understand height also plays a factor too. Enjoy your baby.
I am not sure about the growth chart, but my son was 30 lbs at six months and stayed there until he was 4 yrs. I know he was overweight, but the doctors didnt say anything negative to me about it, because he was so ill with health issues. Now he is almost 10 and his weight is normal, and he is healthy.
good luck
Depends on his height. The taller he is, the more he should weigh. My daughter is 9mo and weighs 20lbs, but she's tall and is underweight for her height.
Nope! At 7 months old, my son weighed 22 lbs. Now at the age of almost 4, he only weighs about 30! He will slim out as he begins to crawl and walk!
16 ounces are a pound, so if he was 8 lb, 16 ounces, that means he weighed nine pounds. Babies at six months on average will double their birth weight, so a six month baby that was 9 pounds at birth should be about 18 pounds. Your doctor should be able to let you know if your baby is on the normal range.
Remember that at six months, his nutrition should mainly be coming from breastmilk or formula, just starting solids at this age. Meals of food should not be his primary eating, just tastes of things in small amounts after a milk feed.
Dear L., I believe a child triples his weight by 1 year. 2x8=18 and by 1 year he could be 24 lbs. so he is pretty much in the ballpark for weight. As for your other questions, all babies do things at different times. He may not be ready to hold his own bottle or turn over. Have you put him on his belly to see if he tries to get to his back? Any other concerns you can ask your doctor but try not to compare with other babies.... they are all unique! Grandma Mary
Its not to much more then my 6 month old! She is tall though! It depends on their hieght and even if he is a little over weight it usually goes away when they start moving thats how my oldest was! She was real chunky but the min she started crawling and walking she lost it all!
Assuming that you are only giving him breastmilk/formula and healthy table foods, then you have nothing to worry about. It does all depend on his height and the rate at which he has been gaining, but babies are SUPPOSED to be chubby. It is survival for them. It is stores when they get sick and can't/don't want to eat or drink. At that age, my daughter would plump up and then get taller. Now at three, she is solid but in no way fat.
my son is very stalky but not overweight. he is 2 and wears a size 5 shirt and size 3 pant. trust me he is not fat. and they always get fat right before a growth spurt and after they have it they slim back down. dont worry if she is hungry let her eat she may be stocking up for a growth spurt.
No! My son was 8 lbs 10 ozs at birth. At one month, he was 13 lbs, two months, 18 lbs and at three months, 21 lbs. After that he started to slow down. He was purely breastfed until six months and my husband and I are average sized (5-11 and 5-6). He gained fast but now he is almost four and has completely leaned out. My nine month old is 24 lbs 10 ozs (had an appt last week) after coming out at 9 lbs 1 oz. Every baby is different but the doctors never had a problem with either baby being "overweight."
No, he's fine - trust me, if he were overweight his pediatrician would tell you. He's totally fine.
My son was nice and plump his first year. And then after a year, when he really started eating more table food, drinking less milk, he started to thin out. I think this is the norm but if you are really worried, ask your pediatrician. Soon the challenge will be gettng him to eat "real" food and like sitting in his high chair!
So long as he has stayed on a regular growth curve during your visits to the pediatrician, you have nothing to worry about. Drs usually just get worried if they have a sudden growth spurt or drop in growth for height and/or weight.
Babies are supposed to have "baby fat", they need fat (good fats, from breast milk or formula) for brain development. I agree with the posters who say, "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FAT 6 MONTH OLD!!!"
If babies are nursing they cannot be overweight - I have seen the fattest nursers who lose it once they start crawling and finally walking.