In response to your edit comment:
If you take a preg. test next week it may not come back positive even if you are pregnant. If you do not know for sure when you ovulated you will not know when to take a test. The standard is to wait two weeks after you ovulate to see if a preg. test is positive or negative. If the test comes back negative take another every two or three days until you get a positive or you start your period. Charting will help you know your cycle, when you ovulate, and how long your luteal phase is(the time between ovulation and your period)and when you will be able to see a positive pregnancy test or your period.
Original response:
Your best bet, in order to concieve, would be to chart your basal body (waking) temperature and your cervical mucous. Go to and read their tutorials to get started. It is not complicated and it will help you to know your bod and when you are ovulating. It is much more accurate than just using ovulation predictors. The book Taking Charge of Your Fertility is also wonderful in helping you learn your body.
Taking action now, and learing how your body works will help you to get pregnant. Not every woman ovulates on CD 14. (I usually ovulate on CD 20) If you don't know when you ovulate you could be missing your date all together!
I really encourage you to chart. It is a great way to learn how your body works. You would be amazed at how clueless people actually are (myself included before I started charting).