Although I haven't had my tubes tied, we do have some in common. I am currently on the pill -- which seems ridiculous because spouse had HIS tubes tied (vasectomy). But I had REALLY heavy periods after the birth of my son. So my CNM put me on the pill to regulate my periods -- she said it would only have to be for a year, to retrain my body's reaction. It's worked wonders.
As for the painful ovulation, I'm sure this is normal; I used to feel my ovulation every month. It's been easier now that I'm on the pill. You'll still ovulate every month (which is good because it means you continue to get the hormones you need). So I think you're probably fine.
Head to your doc and ask to be put on the pill for a year. My CNM wanted to nip the heavy/painful periods before they continued too long, because she said they could over time hide endometrial cancer cells, if they developed. (Not to mention my periods are lighter and no longer so painful).
BTW, I'm on a different birth control pill NOW than I was directly after the birth of my older son (because I was breast feeding then). Be sure to talk about everything when you go talk to your doc.
Good luck hon!