Pain in Insicion 2 1/2 Years After C-section

Updated on August 01, 2018
M.W. asks from Ferndale, MI
11 answers

hello! I am experiencing pain that is very new to me! 2 1/2 years ago I had a very uncomplicated c-section. For the past week I've had a horrendious sinus infection/cold and have been coughing,sneezing,and blowing my nose like crazy! Well just tonight all of a sudden any time I do any of the above my insicion hurts very badly all the way across is uncomfortable just standing here or sitting but boy when I go to cough I need to brace myself n grab it n hold on! Kind of like I did right after I had my question this normal or abnormal? Has anyone else experienced it and why does it happen? Thanks so much in advance!

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So What Happened?

First I wanted to thank everyone for all of their responses!! I called my doctor and she said that it is normal especially with the coughing. That if it dosnt get better after the cold is gone then to call but for now it os normal. Thanks once again to all who responded!

More Answers



answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi, yes I've experienced that same pain. Even when I'm not sick and haven't been coughing, if I'm sitting just right and maybe cough a little, the pain across my stomach is nearly unbearable. Makes you want to curl up in a ball and never move again. I had two c-sections, one in 1999 and one in 2002 and to this day I still have that issue. My doctor says it has to do with damage to the muscles during the c-section (along with overall weak muscles in that area).



answers from Grand Rapids on

I had a c-section almost 4 years ago and have never experienced any pain like that. I would definately get it checked out by your doctor, you could have tore the scar tissue.



answers from Detroit on

Hi M.,

I had a c-section 18 months ago. From time to time I will have a slight discomfort...but nothing like you are describing.

As someone else mentioned since this is a NEW pain, I would give your OB a call. I've heard of women having some discomfort for years after their sections...but again, nothing like you're describing. You shouldn't have to brace yourself like you did when you first came home. That is not normal for ANY type of incision this long post-op.



answers from Detroit on

Since this is a 'new' pain, I would definitely have your ob check it out. I haven't had a c-section, but I used to work with patients post surgically, and to have a new issue this long after the surgery warrants a doctor visit. In the mean time, splint the area that is painful with a small pillow or your hands when you cough or sneeze and see if that support helps. Carry this pillow with you so you always have it.



answers from Benton Harbor on

Coughing is spasmatic for your whole body. People will often have sore abs and back muscles from a bad cough. It is most likely that you have torn some scar tissue, but you really need to see the doc. Not only will they make sure it's not a hernia of some kind, but they will want to evaluate if they need to clean out the scar tissue. Give them a call and use a pillow to support your tummy when you cough.




answers from Detroit on

That needs to be checked promptly. I've had two C-sections and never had pain there. Hope you feel better!!



answers from Detroit on

I had a c-section 17 years ago and although I don't get pain in the incision will itch from time to time. The itch is horrible too because it is underneath the incision and I can't get rid of the itch by scratching. Your pain is probably nothing serious but if it bothers you and you are worried, it can't hurt to have it checked out.



answers from Grand Rapids on

You may have strained the muscles in your abdomen or possibly developed an incisional hernia from the extreme pressure of hard coughing or sneezing. A hernia is a weakness in the muscle wall. Sometimes, after surgery, a weakness will develop at the site of the incision. See your family doctor or your OB-GYN if the pain continues.



answers from Boca Raton on

I've had 2 C-sections. First one was 23 years ago and second one, 20 yrs ago. To this day, if I'm laying in bed with my legs stretched, and a sneeze or cough catches me off guard, I will have the same pain/feeling in my C-section scar. It is very intense and painful. The good news is that it is extremely temporary and I've learned that if I bend my knees or press my hand on the scar area, I can minimize the pain for it to be tolerable. My gyno said it was damage to the muscles in that area during the procedures. Hope this helps!



answers from Grand Rapids on

My first c-section, I had a lot of pain, until I had my next c-section. (1st-2004, 2nd 2007) I had keloids (spelling??) where you have an overgrowth of scar tissue along the incision. When I had my 2nd c-section, they went in and cleaned it all up and removed the scar tissue. I haven't had any problems this time. Definitely call your OB and get it checked out.


answers from Milwaukee on

I always described it as a charlie horse in the stomach csection from coughing, sneezing or moving too quickly. Can be very painful but lasts a very short time when it happens. I didnt have it after my 1st csection 9 years ago. I started getting that pain after my second csection 6 years ago. Its very annoying.but i heard its from the damaged muscles they cut through in csection and the tightness of the scar.

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