To be honest, I think that second grade is too early for cursive writing. Third grade is more appropriate.
It's not just about the cursive itself. Kids this age are still learning to put on paper what is in their heads. It's hard enough to do that while trying to make the regular letters, much less cursive letters.
Walk around a classroom and you'll see kids who hold the pencils wrong, or contort their hands when they write. They haven't been taught how to write correctly overall. That just makes it even harder for them to learn cursive. All the kids' little hands get tired from writing - it's a hard skill to physically do. Another reason cursive should wait until 3rd grade.
My own kids learned cursive in 3rd grade. Their schools used Jan Olsen's Handwriting Without Tears series, which is a very good series. Because my younger son had a weakness in his right hand, he needed OT and strenghtening (he was 5 years old at the time.) I happened to get really lucky and see an ad in one of the parenting magazines (the free ones that are for your own community) of a class held by an OT who specialized in handwriting, and I called her. She actually used Jan Olsen's Handwriting Without Tears program, the same as the school system used, and had group lessons for my son's age group. It was great because they had fun doing it together, and he learned to write the alphabet at the same time she was helping him strengthen his hand. She also incorporated fun activities with manipulatives that the kids enjoyed (they thought it was just fun) but were things that OT's use for kids with sensory issues. When my older son started cursive in 3rd grade, he actually asked me if he could take her older kids' class so that he would learn cursive better, and I did that for him.
That might be something you could look for - a group class taught outside of school. At the very least, look into Handwriting Without Tears - I'm sure you could get it online. It would be great if you had a qualified teacher teach him how to hold his pencil right and make sure he's doing the cursive correctly. The correct way is the easiest and fastest way and will help his hand not tire out so much.