Hi D. -
I am dealing with it right now. We are trying for a third. I did not have much trouble conceiving with my first two and didnt even know I had PCOS until recently when talking to my GYN about trying for #3. My cycles have always been out of whack sice my period first started as a teen, but they were regulated when I was taking the pill. My OB/GYN sent me for bloodwork (testosterone levels, DHEAS, glucose levls, etc) and then suggested that if we still want to try for #3, then I should see a reproductive endocrinologist to discuss further options. I havet made the appt yet. We were trying one more cycle on our own first. I dont know how I feel about trying Clomid, etc or if we shoulld just call it quits and be happy with the 2 boys God blessed us with. I wish you luck.