My preg tests were always negative early on even though I was pregnant. If I were you, I'd quit smoking just in case, and go see an obgyn!
I will try and make this as short as possible, since the children wont leave me alone!! HAHA.
So, in June of last year I decided to make a lifestyle change and started going to the gym and eating healthier. I was on Ortho-tricyclen LOW and was having crazy periods. It didn't start getting bad until I started working out. My period would be gone for a week, and then I would have one for 3 days, then nothing for two weeks, then bleed for two weeks. It went on and on for months. When I finally went into the doctor I told her what was going on, and she said we would wait another six months and see if it improved and if it didn't we would switch birth control. WELLLLL.....I didn't want to continue having these crazy periods for weeks at a time...so at the end of December I stopped taking the pill and my husband and I went back to condoms (which he isn't all that excited about lol). January 23 I got a regular (heavy) period which ended on the 29th. I haven't got anything since then.
I have taken 3 tests, one last Wed. and two this Wed, and they all say negative.
So what is going on?? Could it be that I am so new that it doesn't show up? (but aren't they supposed too?) COuld it be that since I am still at the gym every day that my body is still a little out of wack? I did hot yoga all last month, could that have something to do with it? I have dropped 94 lbs so I would assume that since that weight is gone my period would be MORE reliable (huh?) as opposed to less...
Anyone have any ideas? I kind of need to know so if I am I can quit smoking (PLEASE don't lecture, I know it's bad...) or so that I can change up my work out . THanks mamas
EDIT- Okay, I am only 32, so I am not in the middle of Menopause. I don't have a regular doctor.
My preg tests were always negative early on even though I was pregnant. If I were you, I'd quit smoking just in case, and go see an obgyn!
As an acupuncturist, I've helped many women regulate their cycles. Going off of birth control can really mess up your cycle for up to a YEAR. My cycle was really messed up for about 8 months after going off of birth control. You haven't been off of it for that long (and you weren't regular on it, either) so I would suggest that that is probably the reason for being 10 days late. With that said, I would suggest you see your doctor for a test. Also, as others have mentioned, losing that much weight (CONGRATULATIONS, by the way!!) can have a dramatic effect on your hormones.
I would doubt that the hot yoga or exercise are the culprits in the Missing Period Case, if anything, they would help you become more regular (unless the exercise caused you to not have enough body fat to support a healthy cycle).
I would highly recommend finding an acupuncturist in your area to help get your cycle regulated (timely, to a natural amount of flow, without cramping or PMS, etc.). If you have any questions, or need help finding an acupuncturist, feel free to ask me!
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! on the weight loss. Totally awesome. You worked hard to make that change, again congratulations, you go girl!!
Now, your body is adjusting to new hormone levels due to the weight loss. However, it's important to go see your doctor, a doctor, an ob-gyn would be best, and find out what's going on. Some people do have early onset menopause or peri-menopause. It's important to learn what's happening. If you're pregnant, you want to start your pre-natals not just quit smoking. (Work on it, I know it's harder than losing the weight, but just as important.)
The length of your mentrual cycle can be affected by many different factors--anything that disrupts your hormones-illness, excessive exercise, excessive weightloss/gain. You don't really have a baseline to work from (as far as I can tell). Any idea of when you may have ovulated? I highly recommend the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility". Good for women avoiding or seeking pregnancy. If you better understand your cycle, you are less likely to have pregnancy 'scares' in the future. I recommend waiting a week and then taking another test or see a midwife or doctor who could draw your blood for HcG.
My period has gotten a little crazy since I started working out more regularly too. In my case, there is no birth control involved because my husband and I are open to whatever God wants to bring out way right now. I haven't really missed anything, but I was a day early last month and a day late this month, and for the first time in my life I had incapacitating cramps (eww) and my flow patterns almost completely reversed. I don't know what's going on either, but I notice that we are both working out. Female reproductive hormones are fat-based hormones, so I imagine that fluxuations in the level of our body fat percentage would affect our hormones.
i think you should wait atleast till the end of the month and if you still havent started by then go see your doctor. it sounds like your cycle might just be out of wack. losing weight throws it off to. but if your really concernd about it call your doctor and see if they can atleast give you a pregnancy test. by blood that is and that would let you know for sure if you are or not. and congratulations of the weight loss!!
You lost 94 pounds?! You are a GODDESS! Awesome for you.
Just a thought about the wonky periods: Google "Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome." You might have it (and you don't have to have the cycts to be on the spectrum of this disorder).
Keep up your awesome health work--you inspire me.
I was on birth control for years, and when I stopped taking it it was a good 6-8 months before I got to "normal". I skipped months, then bleed so heavy I had to change protection every hour, it was crazy. The cramping was insane (and I had never had cramping before!). Finally, it all leveled out and I am regular to with in a few days (it will not be as easy to pick the exact date like when on the pill, there is some natural fluctuation without the extra hormones). Give it time, but be watchful, and maybe quit smoking just in case.
If your tests are negative, I don't think you are pregnant. You have had a lot of changes with your body lately (starting and stopping birth control, weight loss, change of workout schedule) and your body just might still be sorting it all out. My sister had more than 6 months of unexplained infertility....her periods just stopped completely after going off the pill. It was sad because she went off the pill so they could try for a baby. She had been on the pill for years and although her doctor said there was no connection, she and I both believe her body went out of wack when she stopped birth control. (She did finally get pregnant, btw, after several months of fertility meds).
However, don't rely on lack of a period as birth control (not that you would, just thought I'd throw that out there).
Get your thyroid checked. It's a simple blood test. Thyroid issues will affect your period.
My system was out of whack for more than a year after stopping BCPs (OrthoNovum Tricyclen, I think). I was having periods roughly quarterly for the next 18 or so months before they gradually resumed normal spacing and duration.
Perhaps takes a bit for the hormones to figure out how to engage properly, like a bike chain slipping after a gear shift?
Just b/c you are 32 doesn't mean you can't be going through early menopause. My mother and I both started around 36-37 years old. It does exist and it does happen. If you are concerned, go to a doctor and have them check your thyroid and FSH levels.
Urine tests like home ones usually aren't postitive until about 2 weeks after the big event happens. So you wouldn't have a positive test yet until maybe next week. If you're really curious & can't wait, you can go to your doc & get a blood test, they show that your preggers earlier. But losing as much weight as you have can also mess with your cycle too. Good luck with everything.
I see lots of good answers here. I would only add that it is likely that if the test says no, its most likely right. You could go to a doctor to have them check for certain, but the main cause for a false negative is not waiting enough days after ovulation/fertilization for the test to be effective. If you want to save co-pays, just wait and test again on Wed. That should be more than enough time to be sure that your not pregnant.
I'm 29 and skip periods for 1-3 months because I have polycystic ovaries, determined by ultrasound. Every time I skip, I assume I'm pregnant because my DH and I don't use anything. But since the birth of my 3 yr old, all skips have been negative just my period being silly. I figured out the last time that Dollar Tree sells pregnancy tests imported from Canada $1. Considering that the cheapest tests at other stores start at $6-7, I see it as a savings. Of course I haven't had a positive test yet, so I just assume they work because I expect them to be negative. I keep hoping for a positive, but no luck yet. As an add-on, doctors don't worry about you skipping periods until you have skipped 3 in a row. Other than as suggested in your info, you could change birth control.
At home pregnancy tests are 99. something % accurate with a positive result. Not with a negative one. That is because pregnancy hormones might not show up at first. All I can suggest is that you get a dr preg test. You could also quit smoking anyways. I quit over five years ago because I started going to the gym and getting healthy. Another thing is that you shouldn't have to change your workouts that much if you are pg.
maybe you can be under some stress i was like that after i had my 3 kid and then my got a period sometime it was 6months or even every 3months i dont know your age so i dont know if you are going through the change.but if i was you i would ask your doctor to do some blood work to rule out any other serious condition D.