I have been having the same problem...my daughter is 6 months old, and I still don't feel like I did before I had her...I miss the crazy sex drive that came with pregnancy hormones...but not the throwing up part since it ruins the mood.:)
Talk to your husband and find something that turns his head or turns him on that you can do that won't take a lot of effort on your part, but will tell him you are thinking about him and that he matters. For instance, my husband loves it when I wear lipstick. We have made a "game" out of it, where I will call him from the store and ask if I can buy a new one, or tell him that I'm looking at them and what does he think about this color or that. If he's in a really adverturous mood, I take him with me to the make up aisle and let him pick what he would like to try. Whenever I want to let him know that I am thinking about him, I put some on. Sometimes I do it in front of him, and sometimes I don't...but its turned into a pretty great game, where I get interested in the idea of playing with him because I know that I am doing something for him that no one else is or can.
Maybe your guy likes perfume, or a certain bra, or a low cut shirt, or mascara, but talk to him and find one thing that you can do easily that will be a noverbal cue to him that you are thinking about him, and knowing that you have his attention is like long lasting foreplay that takes very little effort.
Also, try giving the kids to someone once every week so that you can have some down time. My sister is a SAHM of 2 teens and she misses the baby stage, so she takes my daughter one afternoon a week which gives me my alone, non-mommy time to just be me. If you can find someway to do this, I think it will really help you feel better about yourself. Its hard to want to play and be intimate when you have already given everything you have to the kids. This way you can regroup so that you will have more to give to your husband.
I hope this can help in some way. Its hard, and you are not alone, but with a little effort to take care of yourself, you can get back being the "fun" girl you want to be. Good luck!