My first two are more than 4 years apart. That was more of a gap that I had wanted, but it has been sooooo nice. The oldest is a great help and I can trust him to "be in charge" of his brother while I take a shower or need to be in a different part of the house. He knows what is safe and what is not.
The boys are great friends, and they play very well together (most of the time). One perk is my oldest was long out of diapers before the 2nd came along. =)
My 2nd and 3rd are 27 months apart, which is closer than I wanted, but it has also been very nice. I kind of panicked when I found out I was pregnant earlier than planned because my toddler was not talking much and was still very dependent and required constant supervision. It's amazing how much he grew up over the course of my pregnancy! By the time the baby came, he was a great talker and learned how to do many things for himself. He loves his baby brother and enjoys helping with bottles and entertainment. My 2yo is the one that remembered the baby had his Tigger toy when I dropped them off at the gym child care, and made sure I had it when we left.
Having two in diapers is a little spendy, but we buy Huggies at Costco for the baby and get the Target brand for my 2yo- that saves us a TON.
The boys, at their very different stages, love each other very much and the older ones make sure everyone is taken care of. They are aware of their brother's needs and comfort when needed. It's very sweet! They constantly amaze me.