We got my daughter the KidKraft kitchen. It's sturdy and delightfully bright. She's had it for 2 years, and she's tough on things -- but it's still going strong. Love it. I imagine we'll have it for a few more years, easily (and have no trouble passing it on). It did take a long time to assemble, but it was not difficult - just time-consuming. Packaging was fine.
Not only does my daughter love it - but also any of her young friends (or even her older cousins, boys & girls alike). We outfitted it with some excellent wool felt play foods, some wooden cutting foods and inexpensive but nice Ikea cooking pans/utensils. She also has room for her tin tea set and some Plan Toys wooden dishes and utensils. LOTS of storage. OH - and the Phone and the Clock are a huge hit - even after 2 years of play!
If price had been no issue (or room for it), I might have looked more closely at the GuideCraft pieces.