Lol, that's how I potty trained my son so early (he was 17 months at the time). He pooped in the tub once, and as soon as I saw it, I scooped him up and put him on the potty to finish. The next time I noticed him making a "poopy face" in the tub, I put him on the potty right away. He caught on pretty quick. After that, I started putting him on the potty every night before bath (sometimes he would poop, sometimes not, but no more in the tub) and anytime of the day that I noticed his poopy face. within a month he was telling me when he had to go by running to the bathroom door and I never had to change a poopy diaper again. Just keep putting her on the potty every time she does it, and watch for signs to try to catch it as soon as you can. Other than that, there is not much you can do other than cleaning it up, or changing her bath time to later (after she poops) or morning instead.