I could have written a lot of this myself, and I just wanted you to know that you are not alone! I had a tubal in '07 when I had my second. I was almost 33 at the time, young by today's standards, but I was sure I was done, could not handle or afford more, etc. I figured since I was having the c-section, why not? No one pressured me and I could have said no even right up to the point of it being done. I was just burned out from having my two kids only 22 months apart and having hard pregnancies with hypertension. I started to regret it a year ago, and as of now, my husband and I are planning IVF for this summer in the hopes of a third. The thing that scares me most about it is not the money or the medical part, but it not working! I am 35 going on 36 now.
One thing I have learned is that it IS normal and common to feel depressed as a result of this type of situation. I get you! I feel "broken" or abnormal somehow as a result of not being able to get pregnant naturally. I do, however, agree with the previous post - just be sure first, through counseling or talking with a friend, that it's not for any other reason that you want another baby. I found that when people around me were pregnant, the "hole" felt much deeper and the hurt was greater. I realized, though, that I do want to parent another child for years and years, not just have a baby, if you know what I mean, so I know this is not a phase. We considered adoption too, but it's actually more expensive and takes longer than the IVF process, at least that's the plan based on my RE's plan for me.
Reversals do work and you are very young.... I would have gone that route if I was younger. BUT, get the medical records from your TL to see what kind they did on you. You have a great chance of success if your tubes were either just clipped, or ligated but NOT burned. There is a higher chance of ectopic pregnancies with a reversal, but a lot of women have gotten them and had a baby or more afterwards. There is a dr. in NC who only does reversals. Check out the website: tubal-reversal.net. There is no other way for you to conceive without either method, sorry to say. :( The good news is, you do have options.
I understand your feelings and I think there are many of us out there... hang in there and let me know what you decide, if anything, anytime!