My daughter was breech. I could tell from her little round head just under my ribs. It was pretty obvious for me. In fact, I was the one who suggested before an ultrasound that I thought she was breech and the OB quickly confirmed it. My OB wanted to do an inversion at 37 weeks, which is when they manually try to turn your baby by pressing on your stomach. They won't attempt an inversion earlier, in case the baby goes into distress and needs to be delivered, as they want the baby to be developed enough. They won't do an inversion later because the baby will be too big at that point to turn around.
Since you are 38 weeks, your OB won't try an inversion. But it is still likely that your baby will turn. If not, you may need to deliver via c-section. That is what I had to ultimately do, and everything turned out great regardless. Best of luck with your delivery. Remember that no matter how you bring your little one into the world, you will have your bundle of joy soon enough to hold and love!