This just happens to be what I train women with. I am a personal trainer and "Diastasis Rehab" certified - the only one in the State. She defintely has diastasis - I see it in 99% of Postpartum women. The more children they have, the bigger the diastasis (split in the stomach muscles). You have to do exercises to bring it back together between each pregnancy or the split widens and widens. It can give you stomach sensitivity because literally the only thing between your stomach and intestines and the outside world is a super thing piece of connective tissue and your skin. You can literally feel their intestines pulsating when you put your hand on their belly.
I personally train women pg and pp and I also teach classes - Oswego, Orland Park and Naperville locations all start in the fall.
There is also a book "Lose Your Mummy Tummy" by Julie Tupler. This is the class I teach. It is much harder to grasp by book but a great option nonetheless.
By the way, this information is EXTREMELY hard to find. Drs. might be able to tell you that you have a diastasis, but they CANT tell you how to bring it back together. They literally study it in 1 page of a textbook in med school.
I just trained a girl who in 8 weeks, went from a 6.5 fingerwidth split (to which a surgeon said she must have surgery to correct it) to COMPLETELY CLOSED. Not just "clinically closed" but TOTALLY closed.
It also helps back pain and shrink and tone the abs as well.
Please have her give me a call!
B. Wayne
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