You are not alone.
Postpartum can be a devastating blow and anyone who hasn't experienced it first hand can never understand the far reaching effects it can have not only on how you feel but on your ability to see your way through the simplest of things. When the doctor first told me I was suffering from PPD I laughed and was in complete denial about it. I refused to take any prescription medicine. Being stubborn has never done me such a disservice! Eighteen months later a doctor friend convinced me to take some fish oils and within one week my life changed completely. The things that helped me most:
1. The fish oils! Called Omega Brite http://www.omegabrite.com/ these have the highest ratio blend and are specially formulated for women and mental well being.
2. Excercise. although this is the last thing you feel like doing it makes the biggest difference.... even walking, yoga, mini trampoline... as long as you are getting the blood pumping and increasing your intake of oxygen.
3. Help - if you can afford it even the tiniest bit of help either around the house or with the children makes a huge difference. Just having someone come to clean for 1 or two hours once or twice a week makes you feel like you have someone on your side - that you are not alone - and the implications of that are worth their weight in gold!
4. Busting isolation - for me this is the biggie - and the most difficult when you are feeling low. Reaching out to people around you and maintaining a connection to the world around you is VITAL. Force yourself to join a mommy and me class.... reach out to friends.... (I live a continent away from my family and believe it or not joining Facebook made a massive difference to my ability to feel connected without having to leave the house!) maintain the relationships that feed your soul and your ability to be a "positive" mother will increase dramatically.
These are the things that helped me most. I hope they help you too! Just remember however alone you feel..... you are not. There are thousands upon thousands out there everyday in all of our own little worlds facing the same challenges, and joys of this incredible journey we call motherhood.