Potty Help for a Child Who Regressed....

Updated on May 24, 2009
S.D. asks from Newton, NJ
6 answers

My son is 3. He has been using the potty since he was a baby. Early on he would get sooo upset when he had to poop, so I began to put him on the potty and by 11 months he was only pooping on the potty. Now, pee- that is a whole different story- he pees all the time. I tried to just put him in undies while I was pregant with my second son (when my first was 2), but he was wetting them every 15 mon and since I was pregnant, that lasted a week and I said it was too much for me at that time. We tried again after the baby was born- still no success (even taking him to the bathroom and he pees on the toilet) I can check him 15 min later and he would be wet. I tried this several times. My son knows what to do when I put him on, and he will ask to go (and will go right away) but he just does not stay dry... and I cannot see taking him more frequently then 15 min- I do have to spend time with my other child outside of the bathroom! So, now here I am with a 3 year old who has been 1/2 trained since before 1 year and has not progressed since then. Things have been the same, until recently- the last 2 weeks, he is pooping in his diaper!!! He does it then says "I am sorry" and he is very upset. There is nothing physically wrong- doctor couldn't see why this was happening. I am getting frustrated... and I don't believe he is doing it on purpose, but I don't know why this is happening. I began to offer a reward (something he loves) for when he poops on the potty... occassionly during the last few weeks he did have a few successes, but for the most part we have regressed. I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts....

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answers from Jamestown on

It's psychological. You have another baby whom still in diapers and gets all the attention the other child used to get. He regressed due to wanting all the attention your second child is receiving.

Get him around other kids his age and when he sees they are using the potty, he will come around.




answers from New York on

I know it is difficult when you are changing wet clothes continuously, however going back and forth between diapers and underwear is very confusing to a child. I would suggest you get very thick cloth training underwear (Target sells them) and just let him wear the underwear. When he wets do not engage him in conversation just change him and move on. He could be doing it for the attention. I would get rid of the diapers and do not give him the option. Also you could have him participate in cleaning up his own mess. Let him change his own underwear and put them into the hamper. Maybe he will get tired of having to do it himself and it will finally click. When a child is busy playing he isn't going to bother to stop and run to the potty if he has someone to clean up his mess for him. Also going back and forth between diapers and underwear is difficult for him to remember what he is wearing and has to go to the potty. I would only give him attention when he does use the potty. When he doesn't just simply take him by the hand and either you change him or have him change himself. Once he realizes there is nothing to gain from this he should potty train very easily especially since he knows what to do. Good luck and don't give up it will happen.



answers from Albany on

Hi S.,I also stared very early. Did you try to let him run around the house without underwear at all.. I tried this when my daughter was 2 and she liked to take control..( I put her potty just in the middle of our living room where we spend most of the time beeing at home) at the beginning she would have accidents, but it improved, somehow it seemed that she felt more responsible when she would have accident(no need time to take off underwear) Later I experimented with undies :) and it was quite good. I think the most important not to show that you're worried or upset bec. of this. If he really does it bec. of lack of attention, he will continue doing this. The best is then to make big deal of his success..
Good luck!



answers from New York on

Is he dry at night yet S.? Maybe he is not ready for this part? As one of the others mentioned- he probably has too high a liquid intake. Children do not need 8- 8 oz servings of liquid a day- they need about half that (lots of ped's sites will tell you that.) and he does sound like he is producing lots of urine inside in order to pee at the toilet and then 15 minutes later as well.
If he is not dry at night at all- ever or at nap time then he is not ready for this yet. Watch for encopresis with the poop issue- my boys had it and it was missed and went undiagnosed for 2+ years as the Doc said no issues he could see was causing it (simple xray showed it!) So for 2 years we had poop accidents almost daily! Because it got so bad it damaged my boys nerve endings and now affects their urinary continence. The road to recovery on encopresis is long and hard so google it and learn to watch for signs that may signal it.
Many docs will tell you that 3 year old little boys are not necessarily ready for pee training yet so don't worry too much about that. The training pants with the covers are great in the meantime and letting him change himself. I would sit on the tub and read a magazine while my boys changed (they would just goof off if I left them alone in the bathroom) and I would just touch their bottoms or pants and walk off for undies and lead them to the bathroom, no words necessary. Worked great. They still have accidents but they now change themselves and we know it is not for attention. They also clean their own undies. I got them rubber gloves to wash them out if they have a poop accident. They know to take a lysol wipe to the toilet handle and seat area after they are done and to wash hands with gloves before they do the lysol wipe. Then they put the wipes and gloves in the little spot under the sink for them and the undies in the laundry.
I know it is frustrating- but hang in there. It will change eventually- it just might seem a long time.
Good Luck!



answers from New York on

Hi S.,

I know it is frustrating and as a mom of 4 I can relate. Personally I'm not a fan of making potty training a battle ground. I have not seen too many children go to kindergarten in diapers. Eventually, they use the potty. Here's what I think about it. If it IS a bahavior problem, pushing the issue only gets you more resistance. If it is simply something that he develomentally can't get a handle on yet, pushing the issue here only deteriorate the self-esteam.

I'm sure many would disagree, but I simply would change diapers or training pants and keep giving encouragment. Don't make it a big deal when he has an accident. Just say its okay you'll get the hang of it.

You can try showing the video "Pocket Snails Potty Steps." That was very helpful for my son.

Sometime with early potty trainers, it is the mom who is trained to get the child there at the proper time and when the mom becomes occupied with other things (like a new baby) she is not so attentive and it appears that the child has regressed. But truth of the matter is, the mom was the one trained not the child ;-) Also, children often regress a little here and there in all areas. It's how they develope. Don't feel pressured. You'll both get there soon enough.

T. E.



answers from New York on

For some reason "THEY" decided we all have to stay hydrated 24/7 so parents give their kids bottles or sippy cups to carry around 24/7 and kids drink constantly. Not only is this bad for their teeth, but its totally unnecessary unless you are running a marathon. The more he drinks the more he pees because his body does not need all that fluid. Limit his fluid intake to meals and after he has exercised a lot. Also keep an eye on him and notice what signs he gives before he poops and remind him to use the toilet. Most kids will hide or look uncomfortable.
Also lots of little kids cant recognize the signs of a full bladder and havent learned how to 'hold it'. If you limit his fluid intake it will be easier for him to learn when he has to pee.
Good luck

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