My first point has been made already but it is worth saying again, I think.
If you wait until she is older and can understand, communicate, control her body, etc. better - it will take days/weeks vs. months & months & months. (I can't tell if you want to get this over with because of daycare rules, a sibling on the way, because of mainstream society's idea that it should be done by 2, high cost of diapers - or some other reason? - but I truly think you're both better off if you wait. Find a different daycare, figure that most newly potty-trained kids regress when a sib is born, don't think of age 2 as a deadline, try cloth diapers...there are alternatives). Also - if you are feeling desperate, she is feeling that anxiety too. Give her (and yourself) permission to relax about this, and make going potty an exciting thing rather than a high-pressure thing.
When she is ready...
You may consider a brief time in cloth diapers if you do not use them already. Modern diapers are so absorbent that they really have to be soaked to be uncomfortable. Kids wearing cloth diapers usually want them off as soon as they're wet and this may motivate them to get out of diapers faster.
If she's bigger, you might consider giving her the option of the potty seat that fits on your own toilet. My daughter (at 2 and 1/2) much preferred this option and we pretty much skipped the stand-alone potty (fine by me not to have to clean that thing out!)
Finally I would recommend keeping "potty books" near the toilet - my daughter liked "A potty for me" by Karen Katz, "Time to Pee" by the guy who did the pigeon-drive-the-bus books (that one comes with stickers if you're into that approach), and "My Big Girl Potty" (this one includes handwashing!) My kid loves books so it was a treat to spend extra time reading these books on the potty apart from all her other regular "storytimes" during the day - just make sure there is a place where you can comfortably sit too!
hope this was helpful!