You would normally think that 14 months is too young for a baby to learn to use the potty but it really depends on the child. Some children are more advanced in learning and others are more advanced in doing. I put my daughter on the toilet at a pretty young age, although she didn't use the toilet everytime, she did in fact use it. It takes a little longer but you are working with your child towards improvement. I think that any child can learn as long as they are exposed to it. I would let my daughter go with me in the bathroom if I had to go. She mimics pretty much anything so I figure why not this.
She wasn't FULLY potty trained by 1.5 but was using the bathroom on the toilet. The daycare that I use also helps with training. Even though she was in a younger class the teachers would take her so she would get used to going at certian times. By the time she was 2 she was fully potty trained and was being moved to the 3 year old class shortly after. She accells in pretty much everything she does but that is because I take the time to sit with her to teach her. It may be stressful and you will become crazy thinking will he ever learn....but I can promise you that he will.
I know it is harder not having a male around to show him how but most boys sit on the potty to begin with right? You can start him out by showing him to sit and later he can get lessons or (like Sarah) get extra help from daycare if you use one.
Good luck and remember, not everyone learns everything in one day. Why not start sooner to get him accustomed to the idea. I have an infant that is 10 months old and she loves her potty! It is actually a chair, with arms, that has a toilet paper holder and a magazine cubby on the side. It is like a big person chair but for a child. She loves to play on it and hopefully that will help her when we are ready to start. I have sat her on it to give her the idea. We'll see if Sarah was just a fluke thing or if children really are able to learn at a young age.