My grandson is terribly interested in whatever he's doing all the time, and doesn't want to stop to use the potty. We've addressed this several ways, all of which make the bathroom an attraction to him.
The bathroom is filled with dinosaurs, and he'll have to come in to: wrestle them out of there; teach them how to wash hands/claws; show them how to take turns. And so forth.
Suggest he take the toy of the moment with him. Cars and transformers are good for this approach.
Race him to the bathroom. Or suggest a new, attractive activity that he can start as soon as he pees.
There have been half a dozen other solutions over the past year that slip my mind. But once he realizes using the potty isn't a total drag, it does become easier for him to take himself more frequently. I think too often kids are left with the sense that it's almost punitive to go, because parents push, nag, threaten, whatever, and the child has to go off by himself to do the boring deed.