My daughter will be 3 in july. Part of my problem is/was that her teacher was too lazy to sit her on the potty. For the fact that we are there 5 days a week out of the 7 makes it really hard to just do it on the weekends! Anyway I brought in a package of pullups and warned the teacher this is the last package I'm buying for here, I will bring in one a day for naptime only(if i brought more than one a day she would put them on her) and then after those were gone last week I brought in 3 pairs of underwear and 3 pair of shorts and here you go. She had one accident that first day none the second day, was home w/ hubby half a day and had 2(he's learning too lol) and I think one since then) She's slowly getting there.
But on a side note she was telling me all the time I'm poopy I'm soaked ect.... so I knew she was probably ready. Plus she was changing her own wet pullups lol....This will only work if they are really ready. good luck