Hey! I am in the same boat, daughter, who will also be 4 in Aug has been trained since she was 2 1/2 and hardly ever has an accident, but she soaks her pullup at night. She hates wearing them and begs to wear panties, but we have tried it and she always wets them. I have talked to the pediatrician several times about it and she tells me everytime that it is completely normal and they dont get concerned about night wetting until age 7 or 8. She says that their little brains sometimes dont wake them up and let them know that they have to go potty. But I know how frustrating it is buying pull ups. I also have a 14 mo old son and the whole point of training her before I had another was so that I didnt have to buy diapers for 2, and even though i dont have to buy diapers for her....the underjams and goodnights are not necessarily cheap. Sorry I had no better advice, please let me know if you find any good tricks!!!