Hi V.....yeah.....not so much on the toddler water boarding. Try to be patient. SHe is going to learn when she learns. Just keep at it, let her know gently that this is what you expect. Tie it into a rewards system if that works for you (it never did for us). And be light about it. No pressure, just encoragement. If they feel pushed or like it is a big deal, they will not do it. Make it routine (we used a timer for months to get peeing down....every 30 minutes when we were home...it wasn't me asking her to pee, it was the timer, this was so effective for us) THe pooping took longer. SHe just didn't want to do it, until one day, she did. We discussd it constantly (lovely...I know) and I showed her that I pooped in the toilet (like you have a choice, I wouldn't know how to potty without company, dog or child) Let her flush ONLY when she pottied and get the everything poops book, the Potty book by Karen Kats is great, Elmo's potty time DVD and other poop inspired things. Her stuffed Hippo Had a play toilet and started 'pooping' on it a week before she did. I just made it normal, and she finally responded.
We also have a toilet seat (from Lowe's or One Step Ahead) that fits our toilet, as in bolted on. It has a lid for big people, and one for little people that nesttles into the big lid, looks like a regual lid. Turns out My little darling hated the wobbly seat that she had picked out. That helped immensly.
I know it is frustrating, I remember it well, especially when she backslides, which happens occasionally. Just try not to let her see your frustration, do your best not to get angry when she has an accident (this was so hard) and make it all matter of fact. Celebrate the poop...seriously. It was like Mardi Gras in the bathroom everytime she pooped. She still hollers "I POOOOOPED!!!" when she does, I come and dutifuly inspect it, commenting when it seems appropriate or when she is particulary proud of shape, size or color (God help me, I did NOT want to know this much about defication) and praise her generously. That worked better than any screaming, pleading, crying or punishing (I tried those too). One day she just got it. ANd it was worth the work...it will be for you too. Please dont' give her anymore to take to her future therapist that she will have on her own!
Good Luck Mommy, you are ready to be a Patient Poop Fan. Yeah!!! You might as well learn the art of faking joy now...it will come in handy for future art projects, clothing selections and (gulp) boyfriends.....