I agree with Sarah. She may be ready physiologically but may not be willing. Just because you are doesn't mean she is. I hope I don't sound critical but you sound just like me 6 mo ago. I tried and tried with my son. I think him and I were so frustrated. I finally gave up right before his 3rd b-day. Believe it or not, about a month after his 3rd b-day he said, "mommy, I need to go potty" and did! After that there has only been a hand ful of accidents. He basically trained himself when he was ready and when I wasn't pressuring him. Another good thing that worked for his was rewards. We chose to use candy for pee pee. When he finally mastered pooping he got a train ride. My son was also very smart and verbal but also very stubborn. Relax a little. She will get it. Believe me. I thought my son was a lost cause. Give up for a month and try again.