It is still too early for her, especially if she is not showing much interest in it.... but I will say keep trying.... she needs to get this message and she will not learn it in one day. So you need to tell her constantly about this and one days she will get it. Start from small things instead of rushing on to everything at once.
Right now instead of trying all the time in the day, pick one time in a day.
For you before the bedtime will work since you said that she is making real effort at that time. Try to pick a time and do at the same time each day. At first you will ask her to do it then it will turn into a habit later on. One thing I did with me daughter was to make her sit on the potty seat and then read one or two books to her. I praised her for sitting on the potty seat regardless of her doing anything in it. I picked morning with my daughter because she liked to stick around us while we did our morning usual stuff. Mornings was easy for her because we used to put her on potty seat as soon as she was getting up from the bed. Somehow this worked well with her and in no time she started doing pi-pi in the mornings in the potty seat. She was around the same age as your daughter when I started.
Then after couple of week when I found that she is getting habitual of potty seat, I made her sit in the potty seat more than once in a day. Same as earlier I picked some more time which was convenient for both of us to do. For example, just after the nap or lunch/dinner, or before nap or before going out to play/shop/or any other thing.
Take these things as milestones or goals. It might take her more than few weeks for her to reach each goal. Help her to reach one goal at a time and then start working on another goal together.
Make it a big deal of everything related to potty training. Tell daddy, tell friends, grandma/pa or whomever you want to, but make it sure that she is listening to it. May be she might like to tell daddy or others by herself. Ask them to make it a big deal in front of her. Have a party for her (Just family or anybody who you want to invite) whenever she reach a goal. Remind her several times in a day that she did a wonderful job by sitting or doing pi-pi or potty in the seat. Or full fill her special wish for doing so. Or give her a new toy each time, for example, first time doing something, or after doing it five/ten time and so on. Kids love to make big deal of everything.
Get a doll or stuff toy for her and ask her to potty train that doll/toy by herself. I am not sure where you can find it but there are some kind of dolls which practically do pi - pi in reality, they are especially made for this training. I have a Elmo doll called potty Elmo which makes all those sounds and noises of drinking water and doing pi-pi later on.
By the way I am SAHM of two daughters. Elder one is 3 y 4 months old and younger one is 1 y 2 months old. I started to train my elder one sometime around her 2nd b'day and now she is doing everything on her own on the big potty seat. But we still have to work with the bedtime. We still get some accidents at that time if we don't use pull-up. But no pull-ups/diapers during the day time.