All I can say is hang in there! We had a similar situation in our house. Our boy did show some interest at that age, but he was most uncooperative. We tried m&ms as a bribe...two for pee pee, five for poo poo. We thought this was a big deal since he doesn't get candy very often. And it was a big deal. The problem? He would "force" the littlest trickle of pee pee out when he wanted candy and just bring me a pull up when he had an accident. It was very frustrating. I too swore I was going to invest in Depends, because I just knew he was going to need them at his prom! Finally a friend told me I was getting too upset, she suggested I take two weeks off from potty training and try it again. So I did and when we returned to it, I got rid of the bribes. And I got rid of the pull ups when we were at home, he only wore them to bed and when we were out and about. It was a mess for a while...lots of pee on the floor. I made him help me clean up any wasn't a punishment, just part of our day. "Uh oh, help Mommy clean up the mess and lets get you changed." (We always cleaned up the floor first and then the other poster mentioned I wanted him to feel how uncomfortable it could be) Shortly after that I noticed an improvement. Then I started having him wear undies on short trips out (my purse was always stuffed with a hand towel, just in case, but we never needed it). Then I just had him wear underwear everywhere. There were a few incidents in the car, but never out and about. I kept a change of clothes in our car just in case. About a month before he turned three this November, we realized that he was going all on his own and couldn't remember the last accident. I procrastinated on starting the night time training because we just had another baby. Now that things have calmed down in our lives a bit, we are working on night time training (and since I am up nursing anyways...might as well get him up to pee). It's tough too, my little guy is a heavy sleeper, but I used the same technique. I bought a plastic mattress protector and just refused to buy any more pull ups. We have only been doing this two weeks, but have already seen improvement. Every kid is on their own timetable. It will come...eventually. Until them hang in there mom!!!