Honestly, she'll go when she's ready to go. There is no magic moment when all kids are ready to be potty trained. That is really great that she has already gone on the potty. Don't force her too much, it might make her not want to go. Keep everything positive, and she will eventually get ready to go all the time. Keep reinforcing that she needs to tell you when needs to go potty, before she goes potty in her diaper. The more you remind her nicely, the more it sinks in. I would always remind my son when I was having to change his diaper because he did not tell me in time. I would say, "Where are you supposed to go poo poo? Are you supposed to tell Mommy when you have to go potty? Tell mommy before you go poo poo next time." He would always answer me, and I kept my attitude positive, but he understood that that was what was expected of him. Eventually he started to know before he went poo poo, and then he got really good at it. I would also periodically ask him during the day if he needed to go potty. Some times he would say no, and then go in his diaper. So, I started telling him it was time to go potty instead of asking. He just didn't like having to stop playing. That was the only reason he would go in his diaper. So, we just had to start making him stop playing and go to the bathroom. Pooping was a lot harder to master, but now he is a pro. He has even started making it all night in his underwear without peeing. It just takes time. He is 3 1/2 now. He still has accidents at night and very rarely during the day. Good luck.