You might want to give it a break for a little while to see if that helps (just like someone else said). Also, have you bought any potty training books? We did that with my daughter. She loved to sit and look at the books, or have us read them to her, about other kids that are learning to go potty. We read the potty training books to her for a while and then tried potty training her.
We used lots of praise. We didn't get upset at her when she made a mistake, though we did say it was yucky that her pants are all wet, or something like that. My sister did a reward system with her kids, but when she went to stop doing the reward system, her kids also stopped being potty trained. So, for us, we decided no reward system other than lots and lots of praise...or a sticker chart or something.
Also, we avoided using any pull ups at all. We went from diapers to underwear. We also had her sit on the potty regularly, every hour or so, whether she needed to go or not. She had a few accidents, but she did pretty good overall. And when she had an accident, she didn't like it at all because she got all wet. We did get thicker underwear, but that's about all we did for that. We made it really exciting for her that now she was wearing big girl underwear.
We didn't try potty training her at night until she got the daytime potty training down. Then we did night time training and in order to do that, we would wake her up about 2-3 hours after she went to bed to get her up for the potty. We had to do this for a couple weeks before she started waking up on her own to go potty. We bought some bed covers that protected the bed from getting wet if she had an accident. We bought two of them so we could wash one and still have an extra one.
I'm going to stop typing now since I'm responding way more than you asked!