Look into Elimination Communication. I think their website is www.diaperfree.org. They have several local groups who get together once a month also. According to them, any child who starts potty training after 12 months is a 'late starter.' Their techniques/philosophy focus on communication between the parents so it's not a power struggle. My son and I were late starters because we started potty training at 14 months. By 17 months we were done. He is SUPER active so we incorporated his energy level into the potty training. For example, we would laugh and run as fast as we could to the bathroom to tee tee. I also taught him the sign for tee tee and for poo. It was fun for all of us and nobody got stressed out about it. He wears a diaper at night because he is a deep sleeper and doesn't wake up to go to the bathroom. Other than that, we are diaper free and loving it!
Good luck and happy communicating!