How soon after eating are you taking her out? I would wait about 30 minutes, give or take 10 before taking her out after a meal. Does she have a bowl of water at all times down for her? If so, you can put ice cubes in her bowl instead of the water, that way she will get the water she needs but won't over indulge until she has matured enough to be able to hold it. As far as not going when she's outside I have a few suggestions, first is take her for a walk, my dog has a hard time going if we just let him in the backyard, he has to go for a walk to help work the food through his system and 2nd, this is going to sound a little far fetched but go to a vets or a shelter (or even find a friend who has a dog or two) ask them for the 'droppings' and design the area where you want her to go (if you have a friend with a dog have them bring the dog over and direct them as to where you want the dog to leave their scent (all the dog has to do is pee/poop) but be sure to keep it a couple feet away from the patio.) Dogs will always go where another dog has, it's a way of marking their territory. Be sure to praise her ALOT when she goes where you want. Also, just a side note, dogs live in the here and now and will not remember why you are yelling at them for something they did a hour ago so although you still feel the need to grumble it could just confuse her as to what you want her to do. You could also teach her to ring bells when she has to go out. Let me know how everything works out for you. Good luck!