Hi mom,
I am with you on this one, I think you need to push him to
" WIZ" in the big potty, keep the potty in the same place, and NOT put ANY diaper on him except at night.
I have done a few things,
I use the BOXERS for kids, cause its like wearing nothing,
if you go out, take him out without a diaper and bring a change of clothes, push him to drain his "lizard" at the walmart bathroom
Or Panera bread as these have readily accessible toilets
A friend of mine brought the potty within her mini van
I let mine pee on a tree,
As far as poop goes, when you have your morning coffee, let him have a sip and in 15 minutes sit him on the bowl,
it will help move his bowels so you don't have to worry about catching a POO,
As you can see i used funny words for taking a WIZARD
My boys like them and giggle at them,
Pizac and wizac
Dookey, poopy, dumparooski,
And then of course its followd by the POOPY dance and then the poopy party when sucessfull,
and to improve aim, a Cheerio IS NOT a good idea in my house as its possible to get eaten, by our little one
BUT it might work for you, I hand out reeses pieces because i think they are better than M&M's
-- NOW the touching of the poop I can understand how gross that can be, BUT he is uncomfortable, and he see's you touching it,when you clean his BUM, so he can't associate this as a bad thing or a NO NO
I have hard wood floors which makes it easier to clean,
so BOTTOMLESS, If it hits the floor then NO biggie,
I get the paper towel,
and "DON"T touch the poo," and then toss it in the garbage
This helps. and like i mentioned earlier coffee helps you plan a POO
the PEE on the floor, means he is ready to SHOOT his pee
I put one of those BLUE vanish drop ins in the toilet , and they thought it was KEWL
and if the 2 of them are peeing at the same time it turns green, they laugh hysterically
And lastly, RUBBER pants for outings are GREAT
they cost like 3 bucks for 3 of them at walmart, makes them feel the pee
easy clean up of the poo, and washable
I carry and extra plastic bag in my purse, and just toss it in there after rinsing it off in the sink,
IF its too gross, I toss it, I mean its just a dollar
In my opinion its better than an accident in underwear.
Hope this helps,
Good luck
OH and PS What really good is an Egg timer,
to remind you to stick him on the potty,
set it for every 45 minutes.