no experience with preclampsia or eclampsia. HOwever I am experienced with miserable pregnancies. My first was horrendous, however I really miss it this time around because I could take naps and rest when I needed to. This time, Im currently 32 wks, and my son is 17mos, Im Exhausted. I found out I was pregnant when he was 11mos and have been sooooo sick this whole time. This time you will get used to it though because you are so busy with your son, you won't have any time to even think about being pregnant or really how you are feeling. I lost all of my baby weight with this one in the first 4 months...26lbs, and have only gained back 14 so far. Be ready to be on your feet a lot this time. I'd love to tell you to sit back and try to enjoy the pregnancy, however I think it didn't even sink in till about three weeks ago that I'd better get focused and get the nursery etc. ready because I deliver early, and it's comming up fast. I have no idea where the 9 months have gone, but I've barely noticed that IM pregnant, other than fleeting moments of recognizing that I feel awful.
Plain Eggo waffles every two hours seem to keep the vomiting at bay. Small grazing meals with very little flavor or anything to them seem to help me. I also take Unisom at night, and was taking Zoforan during the day, though I found it caused my migraines to get worse, and I'd rather throw up a few times than sit around with a migraine for two days. There is really nothing you can take other than the B6 and Tylenol and the pain is going to be there. The hard part is now you have a little one counting on you which means your pains will usually be ignored. Trust me, as time goes on you won't even realize they are there cause you'll be too busy chasing your little one, who will probably be mobile very soon. i hate to be a downer, and wish I could spin you a story of flowers and butterflies, but I fear that I would be blowing smoke. You will get through it, and you will be fine in the end with two beauiful babies. At least the end result is worth all of this torture.