I too wondered about them and pregnancy as well. My son is 3 now and I was on Prozac for PPD up until a few months ago and I ran out and the new doctor needed to "see me" about it before they prescribed more. So needless to say, I ran out of them and things were out of hand for a week or two until I could get in to see my general practitioner. That appointment was another story, but she put me on a new medication Lexapro and so far it's been just fine. It just makes me drowsy, but then again, so does my allergy medicine. But I think we're going to TTC in January, so I'm nervous about what to do as well and I know that I need to be on something. I go through the same thing as you - mood swings, crying at every little thing, blow-up at little things, etc. I know w/Lexapro, it has a sticker on the container not to become pregnant or breastfeed with it, so I'm concerned now with having to go on yet another medication since I do plan to TTC soon and breastfeed when the baby comes. I guess I'd like to hear suggestions, too. I'm going to be making an appointment w/my new OB/GYN soon so I can discuss that w/her.