I went COMPLETELY nightblind when I was pregnant (yikes!) that took about 2 years to self correct.
There's very little to be done about the night blindness (it just happens to some people, and then gradually goes away in it's own time. For some people very quickly, for others like myself, it can take years.), but if your daytime vision is getting wonky, or if things are getting blurry, get your eyes checked. 2 years is a long time to go without an exam unless NOTHING is changing. Sounds like quite a bit is.
ALSO Contacts don't work for some pregnant women. It has to do with the amounts of fluids/salts/etc that end up affecting our eye shape. Didn't help with me, but with several of my friends merely switching to glasses for the duration solved everything.
Good Luck!
And remember...it's a PIA, but from someone who suddenly realized on the freeway that she couldn't see the lanes anymore, if you're going nightblind QUIT DRIVING IN THE DARK NOW!!! Like driving drunk, a little inconvenience isn't worth your life, or anyone else's.
:) Z.